Contact Us | Daniel J. Cowley, P.E. | FACETics
Mechanical and Forensic Engineer
For assistance with forensic investigations, please gather the information that is available and contact us. Eventually, we will ask for documents and evidence such as:
The complaint, the answer, disclosure statements, answers to interrogatories, responses to requests for production of documents
Police/accident and first-responder reports
Initial medical reports (if applicable)
OSHA or other reports
Service and maintenance records, repair estimates
Written or recorded statements of witnesses
Relevant photographs or videos - especially digital
Sales brochures and other advertising information (including training materials for both dealers and customers)
Operator's manual, parts catalogs, service and repair manuals
Risk assessment and management reports (if applicable)
Test procedures and fully-documented test results from the manufacturer (if applicable)
Assemblies and part models and/or drawings (if applicable)
Depositions of witnesses, experts, plaintiffs, and defendants
Evidence (subject and exemplar)
Opposing or other expert reports
Jury instructions
and other
We can help you gather some of this information if we are called into the process early enough. We can also help you prepare the questions that are pertinent for deposing witnesses.
An important part of any investigation is seeing the actual site and the artifacts. The sooner we are able to review these items, the better the evidence we will be able to garner from the inspection.